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Andy Robson

About Andy

Andy graduated from UWE Bristol Fine Art in 1999.

His painting and sculptures are sometimes amusing, sometimes ridiculous and sometimes for sale.

Studio owner at BV Studios Bristol.


I want to be visually communicative; not to make a statement or an easily identifiable message, but to offer a chance for people to involve themselves in my work and attempt to understand a language which I hope explains or, at least entertains, the artistic principles which I wish to express.

Art can help to disclose some of the truth about the human condition – something sublime and amazing which is wholly incommunicable with words. It is this ‘something’ which I cannot neglect. It interests me and manifests itself in my work. However, in trying to explain the unexplainable, there is always going to be difficulties. Which is why, especially in so serious a subject as art, I feel it necessary to introduce an element of humour.

I make things which appear playful and childish, so as to encourage an immediate, inquisitive response from the viewer. I am currently making things with buttons to press which make things move around. When there are no buttons, then I would try to encourage participation with the work by other means such as giving signs to interpret or puzzles to solve.

I combine the free play of the intelligence with whatever I deem to be appropriate materials or treated object, to create unique and varied associations within the work – to develop one random component into an informative multiplicity of integrated parts.

Through responding to an underlying order of deep (and shallow) systematic connections, my work endeavours to sense and communicate qualities which, if perceived to their fullest extent, should serve to explain all things.

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